OAPS 2024 Board Members

OAPS Officers (Elected)
President Aaron Crowe 503/241-0636 aaron@nationwideprocess.com
Vice President Tea Godfrey 503/928-6362 hello@solidservelegal.com
Immediate Past President Vacant
Treasurer Mollie DeCost 541/632-3077 cascadelegal23@gmail.com
Secretary Vacant

Nominating Commitee (Board Appointed)
Member at Large Terrence Graves 541/606-0480 oregonrivers@hotmail.com
Member at Large Richard Mark 360/771-5784 MarkServicesLC@gmail.com

Committee Chairs (Appointed by the President and Approved by the Board)
Education Aaron Crowe 503/241-0636 aaron@nationwideprocess.com
Grievance Wally Lemke 503/244-1226 wally@wallylemkellc.com
Legislative Aaron Crowe 503/241-0636 aaron@nationwideprocess.com
Membership Terrence Graves 541/606-0480 oregonrivers@hotmail.com
Website Aaron Crowe 503/241-0636 aaron@nationwideprocess.com

Administrator Stephanie Green 503-626-8197 administrator@oapsonline.com